Tag: COVID-19
A temporary rule adopted by Oregon OSHA puts a finer point on the existing mandates from Governor Brown. — Read on www.kdrv.com/content/news/Oregon-OSHA-adopts-temporary-rule-codifying-COVID-19-measures-in-workplaces-572997631.html
A new simulation study suggests that a person coughing can disperse droplets well beyond six feet, and that anyone shorter than the person coughing — such as children — …
OSHA recommends offices introduce fresh air by keeping windows open where possible, and increasing an HVAC systems’ outdoor air intake. — Read on www.businessinsider.com/osha-releases-covid-19-ventilation-guide-for-workplaces-2020-11
When we experience disaster, trauma, or distressing psychological events in our personal or professional lives, we usually react with grief and a range of negative emotions. And in this …
Severe fatigue, memory lapses, heart problems and other complications are plaguing patients who weren’t that badly hit initially. ‘It’s been so long already, it’s kind of daunting.’ — Read …
A writer who loves working from home and a writer who hates it make their cases. — Read on www.nbcnews.com/specials/covid-working-from-home-forever-the-best-idea-or-the-worst-/index.html
This report describes findings from a household study that indicate transmission of SARS-CoV-2 among household members was frequent from either children or adults. — Read on www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6944e1.htm
Flu Shot Might Reduce Coronavirus Infections — Read on www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-flu-shot-might-reduce-coronavirus-infections-early-research-suggests/
CDC now defines a close contact as someone who was within six feet of an infected individual for a total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period …